

Long. 70º41'39" W / Lat. 30º08'35" S /
Altitude 1478m (4850ft)

The Observatorio del Pangue stands atop a moderate hill in a mountainous landscape close to the Elqui Valley, located some 480 km (300 mi.) north to the capital city Santiago de Chile. The little town Vicuña is some 17 km (11 mi.) north to the observatory, while the regional cape town, La Serena, is some 80 km (43 mi.) westward.

The local view indeed is stunning, where the only human buildings visible in the far are the scientific observatories of SOAR, Gemini, and Tololo, all located within 11 km (7 mi.) to us. Yet the most noticeable feature of the region is the quality of the sky, resulting from a rare association of an adjusted geology, a favourable local climate, and a total absence of light pollution. Hence, these mountains have been selected among 5 candidate places in the world for installing the 500-million dollar budget facility, the new Vera Rubin Observatory (initially called LSST), also 11 km (7 mi.) away from us.

Two of our neighbours : the SOAR, and the Gemini South observatory (left to right)

At the Observatorio del Pangue you will indeed experience the unforgettable feeling of sharing the sky with the giants...

A stunning starry sky awaits you every night

The original summit has been flattened, prior to building the observatory... (click to enlarge)

Aerial view of the observatory in its construction phase (click to enlarge, or click here for a 360° video...) Photos and video by Jean Pichon)

Map of the area (click to enlarge)

Interactive Map:
See also the Observatorio del Pangue on the GoogleMaps pages, with the route labelled from Vicuña.


Our telescopes are equipped with premium eyepieces and accessories, carefully selected, allowing an optimal, effortless sight to any target.

T500: computarized Ritchey-Chrétien reflector PLANEWAVE, aperture 20 inches (50cm), focal ratio f/6.8

Mainly intended for astrophotography, we also propose this outstanding instrument in visual mode for the most enthusiastic observers...
Operative from June, 2018.

Below, close view on the "10-Micron" italian mount well appreciated for its accurate tracking.

T400: computarized Schmidt Cassegrain reflector MEADE LX200ACF,
aperture 16 inches (40cm), focal ratio f/10.

Our scope poses proudly in front of the Cerro Tololo Observatory (that "little" dome silhouetted in the far horizon...)

T600: Dobson type reflector OBSESSION, aperture 25 inches (63cm), focal ratio f/5.

For long it was the largest public telescope in Chile, until we got the next one...

T700: Newton type reflector REGINATO, aperture 28 inches (71cm), focal ratio f/3.1

Specifically intended for high level astrophotography, this is one of the largest public telescope in the world... For the record, the largest public telescope in the world is the 100 inches (2.53m) at the Mount Wilson Observatory, California, famous for being the main instrument used by Edwin Hubble.

Below, a view of the dome of the T700, in the background is the dome of the T500 and, in the far, at top of the distant mountains, the tiny domes of the scientific observatories SOAR and Gemini South...

T300: Dobson type reflector ORION SkyQuest, aperture 12" (30cm), focal ratio f/4.9

Available for the amateur astronomers, who'll certainly enjoy the opportunity to push this otherwise excellent scope beyond its expected limits...

Below, the T400, viewing Jupiter, the Moon, and almost aligned the Cerro Tololo Observatory (that tiny black dome silhouetted in the horizon...)

Below, the T630, next to its rolling roof, ready for one more of the deep sky observing sessions.


photo: Cristian Valenzuela / Observatorio del Pangue

We propose a series of services, ranging from the traditional 2-hours guided tour, to the loan of the full observatory for complete nights. Here we display the most popular services: for our additional proposals, or for any alternative service you could wish, don't hesitate to ask us.

Suitable for the general public, the Program A allows our guests to discover the wonders of the Universe in optimal conditions. Not only you will observe through the T400 telescope fitted with state-of-the-art optics, but you will deeply understand what you see, thanks to the clever, accurate, and always surprising explainations given by our personnel. Moreover, any query is welcome, and just every question will be answered, either about the latest astronomy news, or about leading astrophysics topics. Hence, without any previous knowledge in astronomy, you'll be allowed to truly enjoy the endless enchantment of the Universe to which we do belong.

The Program A performs with a minimum of 2 people, and a strict maximum of 8, in order to preserve the personalized attention. The group is assisted by 2 astronomers. We are open all year, except the nights with excessive moonlight (see "Prices-Booking" page).

We admit children over 16 years old only.

The available languages are spanish, english, and french.

Unforgettable experiences are made of this: limited groups, friendly hosted by an astronomer, under a truly outstanding sky...

Photo: Miguel Carvajal

Departure from the agency in Vicuña, transfert to the Observatory aboard our minivan (about 30 minutes);
2. Welcome to the guests, sight of the stunning sunset landscape, with the great scientific observatories visible in the far ;
3. Unaided eye sight of the sky: constellations, Milky Way, Magellanic Clouds, etc...
4. Observing session through the T400 telescope (computarized, 16 inches of aperture). The programme includes all the wonders of the night, such as star clusters, nebulae, galaxies, not forgetting the Moon and planets as available, as well as any specific object you could wish to look at.
5. In the cold nights (which are quite rare...) we offer a hot drinks service in lounge, before the return to Vicuña.

The program lasts 2 hours on site (3 hours in total with the transferts from/to Vicuña).

The departing time obviously depends on the seasons: in winter (june-july) the tour starts at 18H00 (6:00 pm) local time, while in summer (december-january) it starts at 21H00 (9:00 pm) local time, with the corresponding extrapolated times for the rest of the year. Ocasionally we perform a second tour that starts exactly 2 hours later than the first one.

Same as the previous one in its contents and timetable, but with the T600 telescope (25 inches of aperture).

Due to its proper characteristics, this programme is mainly intended for experienced observers like amateur astronomers: apart for being manually operated, the telescope is really big, so the eyepiece may locate 3 meters above ground level, indeed not so practical for general public...

The "effort" is worth anyway, since you will discover the stunning deep sky objects such as exotic nebulae or distant galaxy clusters, or even observe the familiar objects but under conditions you never expected to meet.

The Program C lasts 2 hours on site (3 hours in total including transfert from/to Vicuña).

photo: Miguel Carvajal

Strictly intended for amateur astronomers, either individuals or groups (clubs and associations), either for visual observations or for performing some astrophotogtaphy.

The observers dispose of two telescopes : the T400 and the T600, as well as visual observing and astrophotography accessories, charts, computers, etc... You can follow our observing lists, or perform your own observing programme. In every case, you'll benefit of a permanent technical assistance, and a free access to the cafeteria.

This programme lasts 3 hours on site (4 hours in total with the transferts from/to Vicuña).

The starting time also is established at the convenience of the group.

Imagine yourself in such a place...

In case of booking several consecutive nights, a saving price grid is aplicable. Members of astronomy clubs and associations may also benefit of an additional discount.

This programme is exclusively intended for astrophotographers who want to benefit of both optimum sky conditions and convenient location on Earth: from 30° latitude south, the wonders of the Southern Sky are almost always available high above the horizon.

Unlike the previous ones, this is not necessarily a guided tour: the customers can manage themselves with the equipments we provide, that is the telescope and the usual accessories (CCD, camera adapters, filters,...) They then be alone at the dome, although we remain on site for any help or assistance that may be needed. We also offer more basic facilities, such as a computarized mount perfectly aligned that can be used for any personal digital camera or personal refractor scopes. The sessions are sheduled for a minimum duration of 4 hours on site.

This programme, operative since June 2019, includes the two telescopes specifically designed for astrophotography: a newton Reginato of 28 inches (71cm) aperture, focal ratio f/3, and an astrograph PlaneWave of 20 inches (50cm) aperture, focal ratio f/6,8. The conditions of use and further details are available on demand.

Preliminary view of the two domes, when just installed, with the tiny silhouettes of the SOAR and Gemini South observatories visible in the far:


Prices below are given in local currency ("Chilean Peso"), applicable currently, and subject to further variations

Cl$ 35.000 per person

The transfert to the observatory is included in the price.

It is recommended to book in advance. Then the reservations must be paid no later than 13H00 (1:00 p.m.) in the day of the Tour, otherwise they are annuled.

We accept US dollars and euros with a light surcharge of 2,5%.

In case of annulation of the Tour due to adverse weather conditions, we'll refund 100% of the amount paid.

PROGRAM "A-Private"
Cl$ 280.000 per group

The transfert to the observatory is not included in the price.

This program is intended for groups managed by national tour operators, or travelling together, who like the benefits of an exclusive service.

Similar to the Program A, except for the limiting number of participants, extended to 12 people without extra cost.

Cl$ 46.000 per person

The transfert to the observatory is included in the price.

This program requires a minimum of 2 persons, while the maximum is of 6 persons. Due to logistics requirements, groups over 6 persons must split in two sub groups, performing the programme in two successive runs. In that case the total price is quoted on the basis of CL$ 41.000 per person.

If some of the participants are certified members of an astronomy organisation, a 15% discount is applicable to the whole group.

Upon reservation only, with a minimum anticipation of 2 days.

We request process the payment in that same delay, via bank transfert (ask for conditions). In some particular cases, we do accept payment cash at our agency, no later than 13H00 (1:00 p.m.) in the day of the Tour. Reservations not cancelled in the given delays will be annuled. We accept US dollars and euros (ask for conditions).

In case of annulation of the program due to adverse weather conditions, we'll refund 100% of the amount paid.

Cl$ 625.000 per group

The given price does not include transportation to the observatory, as this program is intended for groups managed by national tour operators, or disposing of their own vehicles.

The price is per group, not depending on the number of participants, although it must not exceed 12 people. Due to logistics requirements, groups over 12 people must split in two sub groups, performing the programme in two successive nights. In such a case, the price is CL$900.000 for the whole group.
If some of the participants are certified members of an astronomy organisation, a 15% discount is applicable to the whole group.

Upon reservation only, with a minimum anticipation of 7 days.

Payments must be processed in that delay, through bank transfert (ask for conditions), otherwise the reservation is annuled.

In case of annulation of the program due to adverse weather conditions, we'll refund 100% of the amount paid.

On demand, we can offer also a "personal" Program E, for 1 or 2 people, at Cl$ 165.000 per night.

PROGRAM "E-Extended"
For those groups who wish to observe for more than one night, we designed a saving schedule, as following:

2 consecutive nights: Cl$ 1.000.000
3 consecutive nights: Cl$ 1.675.000
4 consecutive nights: Cl$ 2.110.000

Similar to the previous one in terms and contents, except for the reservation delay that comes to 15 days.

There is no formal programme for astrophotography: our sessions may include a variety of contents and durations depending on the customer expectations, ranging from simply using our computarized mount for personal camera or equipment, or adapting a customer camera to one of our telescopes for a guided astrophotography session, until hiring our large telescopes for a full night... For personnalized quote, just contact us and we'll design the session that perfectly fits your needs.


We propose to our visitors a selection of items that you can reserve and pick up when visiting us. You'll find e.g. exclusive astronomical post cards, as well as high resolution astro pictures taken by our astronomers : check it all here!
In case you want some of these, just mention the references in your reservation form, and we'll deliver it to you when you come to register at our office.

Please note that the Observatory is closed for an entire month in winter time (July or August, ask for the exact dates)

Remember that the spectacle of the celestial sphere is significantly disminuished in presence of strong moonlight so, when planning a stargazing, it is highly recommended to avoid the nights around the Full Moon phase. In order to help you in preparing your observing session, we give a moon phase calendar (click here). Hence the Observatory remains closed on the next following moonlight nights:

October, 11th to 18th
November, 9th to 16th
December, 9th to 16th
January 2025, 7th to 15th

Additionally, we give the periods of visibility of the main planets (click on the table at left to enlarge).


Otherwise, any time of year is worth for astronomy: in summer, good weather conditions are almost guaranteed, but observing sessions begin late (22H00), while in winter, cloudy nights are more frequent but we start much earlier (18H00). The temperature as well is not an issue as we never get excessively cold nights in this area. Remember however that seasons are inverted in the southern hemisphere: winter runs from june to september, and summer from december to march.

Note that we have an average of 285 clear nights per year, that makes some 80 cloudy nights, more concentrated on July and August, so if you plan to visit us in winter, we highly recommend that you schedule two nights on site, as to increases chances to benefit of a clear sky...

Then, as to find us, we give below a short description of the road from Santiago to the Observatory, although you may prefer to visualize it by using an interactive map (click here).

Santiago - La Serena: 480 km (300 mi.)
Air travelling is convenient since there are several flights connecting each day the international airport of Santiago to the airport of La Serena. Surface travelling also is easy, as the "Ruta 5 Norte" is a fast riding highway. Many bus companies reach la Serena every day (the journey lasts some 7 to 8 hours).

La Serena - Vicuña: 63 km (39 mi.)
The "Ruta 41" road is the only choice to reach Vicuña. To get there, you can choose either a bus from the many local companies, or a "colectivo" (collective taxicab). Note however that there is no such public transportation back to La Serena by night. Our office is located in the Plaza de Armas of Vicuña (address San Martin 233), quite close to the "Torre Bauer", the local icon.

Vicuña - Observatorio del Pangue: 17 km (10 mi.)
The transfert from Vicuña to the observatory with our van is included in most of our programmes. However, if you have to go with your own vehicle, you may leave Vicuña through its southern exit, then reach a few meters ahead the intersection with the "Ruta D445", labelled as “Ruta Antakari”, leading south eventually to the town Hurtado. The entrance of the observatory stands exactly 16 km (10 mi.) from this intersection. The road is suitable for any vehicle (AWD is not necessary), although some steep curves in the last 2 kilometers may require a little care. The transfert at low speed lasts some 25 minutes (30 minutes if coming from the centre of Vicuña).

Furthermore, for any query you may have, don't hesitate to ask us at astronomicasur@gmail.com



The "Observatorio del Pangue" has been originally planned by Astronomica del Sur Ltda. (ASDL), a company specialized in the realization of astronomical projects and training of personnel, for both public and private organizations. Managed by Eduardo Valenzuela Palma, ADSL was initially a successful company, having realized a series of astronomical facilities in Chile, such as the Observatorio Inca de Oro in 2007, right in the heart of the Atacama Desert, and the Explora Observatory in 2008, in San Pedro de Atacama, while preparing to develop its own facility, the Observatorio del Pangue. Later, after a series of internal restructurings, the french astronomer Eric Escalera took over the management of the Observatory, which now operates successsfully as a separate entity. Indeed, the current Direction of ADSL is allowed to fulfill its initial commitment: deliver a high quality service, that everyone can fully enjoy...

Then from 2015, ASDL is also performing the management and operation of the Great Solar Observatory of Chile

Eric Escalera

Ph.D. in Astrophysics at the Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse, France)

...somewhere in the Atacama Desert, Chile.

Principal Operator
Cristian Valenzuela Videla
Experienced amateur astronomer, astrophotographer

Magellan Telescopes, Las Campanas Observatory, Chile

Emilio Lepeley Sepulveda

...feels comfortable on the asteroid-shaped exotic landscape of Chile (Comuna de Chañaral)

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It is well known that Chile is hosting the largest number in the world of giant optical telescopes. Good enough for who would like to visit them all, they are concentrated in two areas only, that we present hereafter. Visits are free of charge, although it is required to book a long time in advance.

Around La Serena (480km North of Santiago)

Stated as the oldest town in Chile, this regional capital city has an airport well connected to Santiago (a dozen of daily flights are proposed). Some 60km (40 mi.) eastward of La Serena is a series of great observatories:

1. Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory (CTIO)
One of the firsts scientific observatories in the country (1976). The main telescope is a 4-meter diameter class, still producing high level astrophysical results: e.g., a few years ago the acceleration of expansion of the Universe has been discovered here, and still today there are no definite theoretical interpretation of it...

2. Gemini South
A giant 8-meter diameter class telescope, initiated in 2001. This observatory has two identical telescopes, the other one (Gemini North) stands atop a high mountain in Hawai...

3. Southern Observatory for Astrophysical Research (SOAR)
The most recent in the area (2006), hosting a 4-meter diameter class telescope that benefits of high technology (namely adaptative optics), making it more powerful than standard telescopes of the same class.

4. Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST), now formally dubbed "Vera Rubin Telescope"
Still in the building process but nearly completed, this 8-meter diameter class telescope should be operative by late 2022. It will be unique in its kind, by holding a huge digital camera that allows to survey the entire celestial sphere every 3 days. No doubt that the most subtle changes in aspects or positions of any celestial body will be registered in live...

Some 150km (90 mi.) North of La Serena is another series of great observatories:

5. European Southern Observatory
Together with the Tololo, this venerable institution truly started the astrophysics research in Chile. The facility, also known as "La Silla Observatory", hosts several large telescopes. The main one, a 3.6-meter diameter class, looks rather "small" for the current standards, but fitted with state-of-the-art technology it still delivers premium scientific results, particularly in the field of detection of exo-planets.

6. Las Campanas Observatory
This facility is much more recent: the two identical telescopes, of 6.5-meter diameter class have been initiated in 2000 and 2002 respectively. Contrarily to the Gemini, those twins are settled together, facing each other...

7. Project : Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT)
Scheduled for completion in 2020, we reach here a much higher level, as this is a 24-meter diameter class telescope ! The site is within the domain of Las Campanas Observatory.

Around Antofagasta (1380km North of Santiago)

One of the largest regional capital cities of Chile, Antofagasta has an airport well connected to Santiago by several daily flights. A series of great scientific observatories stands 130km (80 mi.) south of the city:

8. Very Large Telescope (VLT)
Also referred as "Parranal Observatory", this facility belongs to the ESO (like La Silla). It holds, among others, a series of four 8-meter diameter class telescopes. Since 1998 they produced a huge amount of scientific discoveries.

9. Project : European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT)
Scheduled for completion in 2022, this telescope will remain the largest in the world for long, as this is a 39-meter diameter class instrument ! It stands on top of Cerro Armazones, a "hill" facing the Parranal Observatory, from where the ongoing works can be seen.

...and what about San Pedro de Atacama ? (300km East of Antofagasta)

People uses to believe that San Pedro is surrounded by giant scientific optical telescopes, but there are just none in the area !...

The mistake is certainly due to the fact that this is one of the most visited tourist station in the world, therefore it displays a huge amount of tourist agencies, among which are several touristic astronomical observatories: we reported 8 of them so far, not counting the great hotels (as Explora, Alto Atacama, Tierra Atacama...) which have their own observatories. However...

However, there is ALMA, a large array of parabolic dishes that collect the radiowaves (e.g. microwaves) from the Cosmos. It is quite unfair that this kind of instruments (also referred as "radio-telescopes") is not so much appreciated by the general public, who considers the actual telescopes and their visible light as far more spectacular. But ALMA is different. Without entering any technical detail, let's just specify that this array of dishes constitutes the most powerful radio-telescope in the world, and that seems to be a sufficient argument for including it in our list...

10. Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA)
Operative since 2014, this very large array of 65 parabolic dishes is spread over the altiplano of Chajnantor, some 80km (50 mi.) south to San Pedro de Atacama. Potential visitors must be aware that the entire site is located over 5,000 meters (15,000 feet) above sea level!

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