Our telescopes are equipped with premium eyepieces and accessories, carefully selected, allowing an optimal, effortless sight to any target.
Mainly intended for astrophotography, we also propose this outstanding instrument in visual mode for the most enthusiastic observers...
Operative from June, 2018.
Below, close view on the "10-Micron" italian mount well appreciated for its accurate tracking.

Our scope poses proudly in front of the Cerro Tololo Observatory (that "little" dome silhouetted in the far horizon...)

Below, a view of the dome of the T700, in the background is the dome of the T500 and, in the far, at top of the distant mountains, the tiny domes of the scientific observatories SOAR and Gemini South...
Below, the T630, next to its rolling roof, ready for one more of the deep sky observing sessions.

T500: computarized Ritchey-Chrétien reflector PLANEWAVE, aperture 20 inches (50cm), focal ratio f/6.8
Mainly intended for astrophotography, we also propose this outstanding instrument in visual mode for the most enthusiastic observers...
Operative from June, 2018.
Below, close view on the "10-Micron" italian mount well appreciated for its accurate tracking.
T400: computarized Schmidt Cassegrain reflector MEADE LX200ACF,
aperture 16 inches (40cm), focal ratio f/10.
aperture 16 inches (40cm), focal ratio f/10.

Our scope poses proudly in front of the Cerro Tololo Observatory (that "little" dome silhouetted in the far horizon...)
T600: Dobson type reflector OBSESSION, aperture 25 inches (63cm), focal ratio f/5.
For long it was the largest public telescope in Chile, until we got the next one...

T700: Newton type reflector REGINATO, aperture 28 inches (71cm), focal ratio f/3.1
Specifically intended for high level astrophotography, this is one of the largest public telescope in the world... For the record, the largest public telescope in the world is the 100 inches (2.53m) at the Mount Wilson Observatory, California, famous for being the main instrument used by Edwin Hubble.
Below, a view of the dome of the T700, in the background is the dome of the T500 and, in the far, at top of the distant mountains, the tiny domes of the scientific observatories SOAR and Gemini South...
T300: Dobson type reflector ORION SkyQuest, aperture 12" (30cm), focal ratio f/4.9
Available for the amateur astronomers, who'll certainly enjoy the opportunity to push this otherwise excellent scope beyond its expected limits...
Below, the T400, viewing Jupiter, the Moon, and almost aligned the Cerro Tololo Observatory (that tiny black dome silhouetted in the horizon...)
Below, the T630, next to its rolling roof, ready for one more of the deep sky observing sessions.