We propose a series of services, ranging from the traditional 2-hours guided tour, to the loan of the full observatory for complete nights. Here we display the most popular services: for our additional proposals, or for any alternative service you could wish, don't hesitate to ask us.
Suitable for the general public, the Program A allows our guests to discover the wonders of the Universe in optimal conditions. Not only you will observe through the T400 telescope fitted with state-of-the-art optics, but you will deeply understand what you see, thanks to the clever, accurate, and always surprising explainations given by our personnel. Moreover, any query is welcome, and just every question will be answered, either about the latest astronomy news, or about leading astrophysics topics. Hence, without any previous knowledge in astronomy, you'll be allowed to truly enjoy the endless enchantment of the Universe to which we do belong.

The Program A performs with a minimum of 2 people, and a strict maximum of 8, in order to preserve the personalized attention. The group is assisted by 2 astronomers. We are open all year, except the nights with excessive moonlight (see "Prices-Booking" page).
We admit children over 16 years old only.
The available languages are spanish, english, and french.
Unforgettable experiences are made of this: limited groups, friendly hosted by an astronomer, under a truly outstanding sky...

Photo: Miguel Carvajal
1. Departure from the agency in Vicuña, transfert to the Observatory aboard our minivan (about 30 minutes);
2. Welcome to the guests, sight of the stunning sunset landscape, with the great scientific observatories visible in the far ;
3. Unaided eye sight of the sky: constellations, Milky Way, Magellanic Clouds, etc...
4. Observing session through the T400 telescope (computarized, 16 inches of aperture). The programme includes all the wonders of the night, such as star clusters, nebulae, galaxies, not forgetting the Moon and planets as available, as well as any specific object you could wish to look at.
5. In the cold nights (which are quite rare...) we offer a hot drinks service in lounge, before the return to Vicuña.
The program lasts 2 hours on site (3 hours in total with the transferts from/to Vicuña).
The departing time obviously depends on the seasons: in winter (june-july) the tour starts at 18H00 (6:00 pm) local time, while in summer (december-january) it starts at 21H00 (9:00 pm) local time, with the corresponding extrapolated times for the rest of the year. Ocasionally we perform a second tour that starts exactly 2 hours later than the first one.
Same as the previous one in its contents and timetable, but with the T600 telescope (25 inches of aperture).
The programme C is suitable for the main public, although it is clearly more convenient than the programme A for experienced observers like amateur astronomers: apart for being manually operated, the telescope is really big, the eyepiece may locate 3 meters above ground level, accessible only by a stepladder...
The "effort" is worth anyway, since you will discover the stunning deep sky objects such as exotic nebulae or distant galaxy clusters, or even observe the familiar objects but under conditions you never expected to meet.
The Program C lasts 2 hours on site (3 hours in total including transfert from/to Vicuña).

Strictly intended for amateur astronomers, either individuals or groups (clubs and associations), either for visual observations or for performing some astrophotogtaphy.
The observers dispose of two telescopes : the T400 and the T600, as well as visual observing and astrophotography accessories, charts, computers, etc... You can follow our observing lists, or perform your own observing programme. In every case, you'll benefit of a permanent technical assistance, and a free access to the cafeteria.
This programme lasts 3 hours on site (4 hours in total with the transferts from/to Vicuña).
The starting time also is established at the convenience of the group.
Imagine yourself in such a place...

In case of booking several consecutive nights, a saving price grid is aplicable. Members of astronomy clubs and associations may also benefit of an additional discount.
This programme is exclusively intended for astrophotographers who want to benefit of both optimum sky conditions and convenient location on Earth: from 30° latitude south, the wonders of the Southern Sky are almost always available high above the horizon. Unlike the previous ones, this is not necessarily a guided tour: the customers can manage themselves with the equipments we provide, that is the telescope and the usual accessories (CCD, camera adapters, filters,...) They then be alone at the dome, although we remain on site for any help or assistance that may be needed. We also offer more basic facilities, such as a computarized mount perfectly aligned that can be used for any personal digital camera or personal refractor scopes. The sessions are sheduled for a minimum duration of 4 hours on site. This programme, operative since June 2019, includes the two telescopes specifically designed for astrophotography: a newton Reginato of 28 inches (71cm) aperture, focal ratio f/3, and an astrograph PlaneWave of 20 inches (50cm) aperture, focal ratio f/6,8. The conditions of use and further details are available on demand. Preliminary view of the two domes, when just installed, with the tiny silhouettes of the SOAR and Gemini South observatories visible in the far: